Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year. It's a time for family and friends, but most of all, it's the celebration of the birth of our Lord.
My family normally goes to my father-in-law's house for Christmas Eve, and then back to see what Santa brought the kids Christmas morning.
I am really bad about not taking enough family photos, so I thought this year I'd see how well the iPhone camera works. I think it did fine.
I sincerely hope you and your family had a wonderful and safe Christmas season. Now, on to Trans-Siberian Orchestra on Friday.
Here's the familiar Christmas spread
Here are Angie, Annette and Barry. Annette actually appeared on the Ed Sullivan show the same night that the Beatles were introduced to us Yanks. She was only like 5 or something!
All of the kids preparing to open their gifts. I sure hope they were all good this year...
Here's my brother-in-law Matt. Kind of reminds me of Blackbeard's famous braided beard :>)
My father-in-law Jack's Aussie cork hat. He says it keeps the flies away. But since we were inside, I think it was more of a fashion statement.
A close up of Pete, my son and director of security here at | jimmages |.
It's just not Christmas for me without a new set of Simpsons' boxers.
Sister-in-law Jami. Recognize her? She was on the hit TV show 'Fat March'.
Pete and my lovely wife Jacki performing at the hootenanny part of the night.
And Evie has to get in the act.
I always try to recoup some of my expenditures at the annual poker game. Here's my neice and nephew Chris and Crystal.
Another member of my security team. Here she's undercover, dressed as a common reindeer.
But the tryptophan even gets to trained professionals eventually.